Wake me up when you got me a donut Nothing fancy, keep your freakin’ pinache Boston Creme? Tell you what, Back a truck up Wash my face with chocolate ganacheContinue readingDonut
Author: JB
Happiness and love and discotheques None of these our science detects But this is what the state of the art reflects: Life on Earth has lasting effects The living deadContinue readingTumbleweed
I am a porcupine ErethizontidaeI am a porcupine family HystricidaePorcupines stick togetherThrough thick and thinLinen cotten silk and leather Long ago, when the world was newI was practically naked, IContinue readingPorcupine
Air Traffic
I’m interested in the empty roomBetween the worldsI’m fascinated by vacuumAnd radiation I see a future in the airThe traffic you can find in thereMagnetic fieldsAnd microwavesAnd nothing left toContinue readingAir Traffic