
I am a porcupine Erethizontidae
I am a porcupine family Hystricidae
Porcupines stick together
Through thick and thin
Linen cotten silk and leather

Long ago, when the world was new
I was practically naked, I was styling too
But brother Bear came along and omg tried to eat me
I barely got away, scampered up a frikkin’ tree

Next day hanging out in a dangerous bush
I got poked by stickers in my little naked tush
I said to myself, self you know what this is?
It’s the perfect solution to my existential crisis.

I am a porcupine Erethizontidae
I am a porcupine family Hystricidae
Porcupines stick together
Through thick and thin
Linen cotton silk and leather

When Bear came along I just curled up in a ball.
Dumb bear got pierced a hundred times right in his stupid paw.
Iktomi saw what happened and that kid is sick
Glued the thorns to my back and said “dude now go make ’em stick.”

Old wolf came along, stupid wolf with his mange
Thought he was king of the forest, well some things have changed
He jumped on my back and it was massive regret
‘Cause now ol’ Porcupine is a hard target

I am a porcupine
All your bark is mine
I’m looking pretty fine
I have 30,000 spines
I don’t mean to boast,
But I’m pretty as a rose
Don’t get too close
Or I’ll poke you in the nose

I am a porcupine Erethizontidae
I am a porcupine family Hystricidae
Porcupines stick together
Through thick and thin
Linen cotten silk and leather

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